jeudi 26 octobre 2017

What are the different patterns used developing a client side web application today?

Mine is not a technical question but I would like to read different opinions in one of the hottest topic of the web development nowadays.

I'm a frontend software engineer and I work with Ember.js (I didn't take this decision, it was already there when I started). In the old versions, it had an MVC approach and, up as it was being updated, the team behind it, left this pattern to embrace "Data down &actions up" (kind of Flux).

Actually, my question is: today, what are the most common patterns of the web development and, for each pattern, what are the frameworks that adopt it? I'm interested in a discussion that compares different patterns with their frameworks, and what should be the best situation to use each of them.

I hope the question is interesting for you as well (sorry if I did a O(n^2) complexity question due to the fact that we have to compare N patterns and N framework...😅 I'm joking 😛) looking forward to read what you think.


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