mercredi 19 juin 2019

How to implement a correct filtering in ember.js

I have a modelA, modelB, and modelC. modelA hasMany modelB, modelB belongsTo modelA, modelB belongsTo modelC.

Below is my computed property on my component.js and the code below is I want to get all the modelA where the modelC id is equal to the

foo: computed('modelA', '', function() {
  return this.get('modelA').filter((a) => {
    return a.get('modelB').filter((b) => {
      let userId = b.get('');
      let bazId = this.get('');

      if (userId === bazId) {
        return b;

Issue: I am not getting the correct response. The response is not equivalent to my expectations. Question: Did I implement the computed property correctly based on my desired scenario which is I want to get all the modelA where the modelC id is equal to the

Appreciate for any response. Thank you

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