lundi 20 janvier 2020

How to track a nested attribute in a Glimmer component?

I am building my first Glimmmer component in Ember and I had something like this in my template:

<p>Some val: </p>

I then made a corresponding .js component file and thought I would try to remove the long path from the HTML.

My first attempt was to make a getter:

get val() {

With the template now:

<p>Some val: </p>

That works initially and displays the starting value assigned to the val variable, but it does not update when the underlying val changes.

So I thought I would try marking the getter as tracked, but that made the output disapear:

@tracked val;

get val() {

I then tried this, but it's not valid syntax:


So how should this be handled in a Glimmer component?

Surely the solution is not for the HTML to reference a deep path like this everytime the variable is referenced, however the new Ember docs, nice as they are, leave me none the wiser on this relatively simple/common case.

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