mercredi 2 septembre 2020

When running ember qunit tests, only 1 test runs

I'm currently in the process of integrating qunit tests into an existing ember application. I've followed the ember documentation in getting quint set up, however when I run ember test only 1 test is running (the default ember-qunit: Ember.onerror validation: Ember.onerror is functioning properly)

The old ember-mocha tests/index.html file was importing both pinterest and facebook pixels. I removed them because they were also causing issues when used with qunit. When included them they were giving me global failure and script error errors. I assumed these errors we're some kind of cross origin error but I couldn't figure out how to bypass it.

Also when I try to run a module test individually - ember test --module 'Acceptance | Routes | Signup' it tells me that No tests matched the module "Acceptance | Routes | Signup".

// package.json

"devDependencies": {
  "ember-qunit": "^4.6.0",
  "qunit-dom": "^1.2.0",
  "ember-cli": "~3.20.0"

I'm struggling with how to fix the issue. All input welcome. Thanks.

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