mardi 16 février 2021

How to include model relationships in my ruby on rails query response

I am attempting to fetch a backend model (person) from an Ember application. I would like to access a nested model (location) directly in the response from my person model. Therefore, the response needs to include a nested model (location), which has a belongs to relationship on the person model. I have added an allowable_includes method in the person controller, see below. Although my rails query parameters show the location model is included, the location value is null when I attempt to access a value (city) on the location model ( in the frontend. My network response shows included failed for the location model. I know location is not null, because I can view it in my rails console. Is there something I am missing here?

Query Params:

Network Response:
location: {meta: {included: false}}

def allowable_includes
  'location' => {}

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