lundi 1 mars 2021

How to reload hasMany relationship in ember-data with ember octane?

After upgrading to Ember 3.21.2 from 3.9, reloading hasMany relationships is not working properly anymore. For example the following model hook to fetch editable contents for a user does not update the user model anymore.

model(params) {
    const { user } = this.modelFor('application')

    const requestParams = this.mapParams(params)

    return RSVP.hash({
      results: user.hasMany('editableContents').reload({
        adapterOptions: requestParams

It still triggers requests, but it loads the same contents with every request, even after the request params have changed. Initially the request is sent to /users/:user_id/editable-contents?filter=......

After changing the adapter options it sends a request for each content to /contents/:content_id

We believe the .reload() function is to blame. Is there a new best practice for updating the editableContents relationship on the user model that came with Octane?

We are using:

"ember-cli": "~3.21.2",
"ember-data": "~3.21.0"

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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