mercredi 28 avril 2021

How to call js function from a hbs file in ember.js

this is the main app in ember.js


  <LinkTo @route="print-user" >Print User</LinkTo>

This is the code to get the json-array response from servlet


import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import {action} from "@ember/object";
import {tracked} from "@glimmer/tracking";
export default class PrintUserComponent extends Component {
    @tracked search="";
    @tracked print="";
    @tracked gotresponse=false;
    async searchuser (searchtext){
        let response=await fetch("/UserManagement/SearchServlet",
        {   method: "POST",
            body: JSON.stringify({
                "type": "search",
                "searchtext": searchtext
        let parsed=await response.json();
    async deleteuser (id,firstname,lastname,mailid){
        let response=await fetch("/UserManagement/UserManagementServlet",
        {   method: "POST",
            body: JSON.stringify({
                "type": "delete",
                "id": id,
        let parsed=await response.json();

This is the hbs code to print the user table in webpage


<searchbutton >Search</searchbutton>
<printbutton >Print User</printbutton>

<table class="styled-table">
        <tr><th>User Id</th>
                <td><button >Delete</button></td>

I need to print the user data while clicking the print user in application.hbs It is working properly when I click search button. I Don't know how to print the user details without clicking button....

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