lundi 29 août 2022

"ember is not defined" while using torii authentication

I am building a web app using ember js which includes google oauthand torii for authentication.. without torii being installed everything looks fine yet when i just installed torii(i never used it) the app crashes and it says ember not defined also there are depraction messages which are

See for details.

Usages of the Ember Global may be caused by an outdated ember-cli-babel dependency. The following steps may help:

* Upgrade the following addons to the latest version:
  * torii

### Important ###

In order to avoid repeatedly showing the same deprecation messages, no further deprecation messages will be shown for usages of the Ember Global until ember-cli-babel is upgraded to v7.26.6 or above.

To see all instances of this deprecation message, set the `EMBER_GLOBAL_DEPRECATIONS` environment variable to "all", e.g. `EMBER_GLOBAL_DEPRECATIONS=all ember test`.      

### Details ###

Prior to v7.26.6, ember-cli-babel sometimes transpiled imports into the equivalent Ember Global API, potentially triggering this deprecation message indirectly, even when you did not observe these deprecated usages in your code.

The following outdated versions are found in your project:

* ember-cli-babel@6.18.0, currently used by:
  * torii@0.10.1
    * Depends on ember-cli-babel@^6.11.0

ember version : 4.6.0 torii version : 0.10.1

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