vendredi 25 novembre 2022

Does an ember package imported component use its parents library version?

  • I tried to use a component from an imported package inside a class in ember.
  • I expected the component to use it's own version of ember-intl.
  • It resulted in the imported package using the parents version of ember-intl.

I have ember-intl 5.7.0 in parent and 4.3.0 used in an imported package.

There is a component called <Calendar> from the imported package used in a parent class which has a string that looks like: "{Date} was selected for <span class='exampleName'".

4.3.0 will handle this string fine but 5.7.0 will fail as the major version change was that apostrophes were made into escape characters :[

node_modules shows that the child package resolves to 4.3.0 but during runtime it fails due to the apostrophe.

The imported component uses a service by injecting it:

import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

intl: service()

I've added logging to both versions to see which is used and it is the parent version. I would prefer not to downgrade the parent or alter the child library.

Can anyone explain why this is happening?

If any more info is needed, let me know, thanks.

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