Im trying to figure out how could I invoke a transform instance from a custom transform class.
This is the idea:
App.TocEntrySerializer = Ember.Object.extend
serialize: (entry) ->
page: @_serializeAttribute 'page', 'number'
pagelabel: @_serializeAttribute 'pageLabel', 'string'
title: @_serializeAttribute 'title', 'string'
toc_entries: @_serializeAttribute 'tocEntries', 'tocEntries'
deserialize: (json) ->
page: @_deserializeAttribute json['page'], 'number'
pageLabel: @_deserializeAttribute json['pagelabel'], 'string'
title: @_deserializeAttribute json['title'], 'string'
tocEntries: @_deserializeAttribute json['toc_entries'], 'tocEntries'
# Private
_serializeAttribute: (attribute, attributeType) ->
@_transformFor(attributeType).serialize attribute
_deserializeAttribute: (attribute, attributeType) ->
@_transformFor(attributeType).deserialize attribute
_transformFor: (attributeType) ->
@container.lookup "transform:#{attributeType}"
Im using this transform inside a model.
App.Ebook = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr('string')
tocEntries: DS.attr('tocEntries', {defaultValue: []})
And I'd like to be able to access to App.__container__
by using @container
inside my custom serializer class. Note that Im not extending from DS.JSONSerializer or DS.RESTSerializer. This one is used inside my App.TocEntriesTransform class.
App.TocEntriesTransform = DS.Transform.extend
serialize: (deserialized) -> (entry) =>
@get('_tocEntrySerializer').serialize entry
deserialize: (serialized) -> (jsonEntry) =>
@get('_tocEntrySerializer').deserialize jsonEntry
# Private
_tocEntrySerializer: ( ->
I know I could invoke DS["#{type}Transform"]
in order to obtain the needed class by its name, but I'd like to know if there is a better approach to take advantage of dependency injection in order to avoid internal dependencies.
Thanks in advance
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