lundi 26 janvier 2015

Ember resource templates in one folder

I have these routes in my Ember.js app:

router.js {
this.resource('stories', function () {
this.resource('story', {path: '/:story_id'});

And this is what my Ember Inspector outputs in the routes tab:

Application Routes

Now, in the "Template" column (second from right), Ember tells me where it expects the templates should be for the different Story resources. As you can see, it wants certain templates directly in the /templates directory, and some in /templates/stories. I can see no reason for this and personally I find it confusing and ridiculous.

Is there any way in Ember to use a Rails-style convention, like this:

Show ('story') - /templates/stories/show

Index - /templates/stories/index

Edit - /templates/stories/edit


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