import Ember from 'ember';
import startApp from '../../helpers/start-app';
var App;
module('Integration | Authentication | Abilities', {
integration: true,
setup() {
App = startApp();
teardown() {, 'destroy');
test('Only SuperUsers, Researchers and AccountHolders can see messages', function(assert) {
assert.equal(find('div').text(), 'fsfsfd');
This is an integration test I'm trying to get working so I can test basic user interaction in our ember-cli app. The problem is that this simple test does only returns empty strings whenever I search the DOM. It is not hitting an unauthorized page or anything it's just returning nothing from any testHelpers. currentURL
, currentPath
return undefined.
Am I missing something absolutely fundamental in my understanding of how integration tests work?
I'm trying to test how ember-can gives and denies permissions to users based on their title. However, I may as well just be testing whether or not the logo shows up in the right corner because I can't see anything on the page at the moment.
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