vendredi 22 janvier 2016

Triggering KeyEvent EmberJS

I'm writing an integration tests and am trying to simulate backspacing keyEvent. What I expect is:

  1. fill out the input
  2. clear the input using the backspace event it will append my client-side validation.

This is what i have at the moment:

`import { module, test } from 'qunit'`
`import { UniverseAcceptance } from '../helpers/acceptance-setup'`
`import { guestUser, signedInUser } from '../helpers/base-route-map'`

module 'Integration | Listing Create - Not Signed In ', UniverseAcceptance ->
  guestUser @

  @get 'categories', (request) =>
    @json 200, data: @mocks.categories()

test 'when visiting /create', (assert) ->
  visit '/create'

  andThen ->
    assert.equal currentPath(), 'create'

test 'firing validation message', (assert) ->
  visit '/create'

  click('.title-input').then ->
    fillIn('.listing-title', 't').then ->
      elem = $('.listing-title').focus()
      keyEvent('.listing-title', 'keydown', 8).then ->
        console.log find('.listing-title').val()
        #^^ The val should be empty but it is not..

  andThen ->
    element = find('.title-input .field-errors small').text()
    assert.equal(element, "can't be blank")

Note that I try to focus on the input first and then execute the keyEvent. Am I missing something basic?

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