mercredi 13 juillet 2016

Transpiling es6 into es5

Ran into a problem today at work, wondering if anyone could offer some guidance. Im trying to accomplish roughly the following described below.

Files im working with:

  1. config.js : config file using es6 syntax (particularly using import keyword).
  2. script.js : node script written using node version that does not support the use of es6 syntax (particulary using import keyword). script.js aims to read the contents of config.js

    import _ from 'npm:lodash'
    import foo from '../otherRandomFile.js'
    var configObject = {
      randomConfigOne: true,
      randomConfigTwo: false
    export default configObject;
    var config = require('../app/config.js)
    //cannot console log as below because script barfs
    //due to import being a reserved wrk

Question: What do I have to do in script.js so that I will gain access to the object exported by the config.js file without the script barfing about the fact that im trying to use es6 sytax in the file im accessing.

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