lundi 12 décembre 2016

ember-cli-scss compile error with SASS Lists and Maps

Given a ember-cli application with the ember-cli-scss addon and following SCSS Code containing a map:

$mdb-color: (
  "lighten-5":  #D0D6E2,
  "lighten-4":  #B1BACE,
  "lighten-3":  #929FBA,
  "lighten-2":  #7283A7,
  "lighten-1":  #59698D,
  "base":       #45526E,
  "darken-1":   #3B465E,
  "darken-2":   #2E3951,
  "darken-3":   #1C2A48,
  "darken-4":   #1C2331,

the compiler throws the error Error: ("lighten-5": #fafafa, ...) isn't a valid CSS value.

Changing the node-sass version to 3.13.0 via adding node-sass to the package.json and passing node-sass to the app config:

var nodeSass = require('node-sass');

var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    sassOptions: {
        nodeSass: nodeSass

The error still occurs.

I'm sure that the node-sass version 3.13.0 will be used by ember-cli-scss with that configuration.

node-sass supports maps since version 3.8.

Is there something else to do in order to fix that issue?

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