on my polygon 'dragend' function i get the new position via (e.target._newPos) that represents the position on my layer.
But when i convert that point as follows:
let containerPoint = layer._map.layerPointToContainerPoint(e.target._newPos);
let latlng = layer._map.containerPointToLatLng(containerPoint);
i get some coordinates that's what i want. But when i try to present them on my leaflet map layer an zoomin or out that point jumps on my map so wtf is going on?
import PolygonLayer from 'ember-leaflet/components/polygon-layer';
. . .
draggable.on('dragend', (e) => {
let containerPoint = layer._map.layerPointToContainerPoint(e.target._newPos);
let latlng = layer._map.containerPointToLatLng(containerPoint);
let dragEnd = this.get('onDragEnd');
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