I have validation rule on component:
import Ember from 'ember';
import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';
const Validations = buildValidations({
email: {
validators: [
validator('format', {
type: 'email'
export default Ember.Component.extend(Validations,{
store: Ember.inject.service(),
didValidate: false,
actions: {
register: function() {
this.validate().then(({ model, validations }) => {
if (validations.get('isValid')) {
var user = this.get('store').createRecord('user',this.getProperties('email'));
user.save().catch((error) => {
// error --> ErrorClass
this.set('didValidate', true);
If fields in component is valid I create user
in store and save. Client validation works great, but server validation based on ds-error
don't works.
It's happend becouse ds-errors goes to user
model, not component. (Validations
mixed to model works)
Error response format: (422)
"title":"Invalid Attribute",
"detail":"has already been taken"
Question: How to make it work
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