jeudi 9 mars 2017

Accessing data from recordArray in Ember

Let us say i have a model X

  idOfX: DS.attr()
  shouldBeIncluded: DS.attr(),
  type: DS.attr(),
  valueOfX: DS.attr(

And I'm trying to fetch all elements of type x using findAll/peekAll methods of ember store.

After the store method resolves with data, I want to be able to filter data on type attribute or do some operations using valueOfX attribute.

What is the best way to access these values.

Note: Previously I was accessing record attribute of internalModel object in recordArray. But with ember data 2.11.x record attribute is null until i explicitly fetch each record with getRecord method. And I don't know why/how that is happening.

Could anyone suggest share thoughts on it?

I'm using ember-cli@2.10.0, ember@2.10.0

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