samedi 11 mars 2017

When a file changes, I'd like to modify one or more different files

I've been scouring the web for hours looking for an approach to solving this problem, and I just can't find one. Hopefully someone can fast-track me. I'd like to cause the following behaviour:

When running ember s and a file of a certain extension is changed, I'd like to analyze the contents of that file and write to several other files in the same directory.

To give a specific example, let's assume I have a file called app/dashboard/dashboard.ember. dashboard.ember consists of 3 concatenated files: app/dashboard/controller.js, .../route.js, and .../template.hbs with a reasonable delimiter between the files. When dashboard.ember is saved, I'd like to call a function (inside an addon, I assume) that reads the file, splits it at the delimiter and writes the corresponding splitted files. ember-cli should then pick up the changed source (.js, .hbs, etc.) files that it knows how to handle, ignoring the .ember file.

I could write this as a standalone application, of course, but I feel like it should be integrated with the ember-cli build environment, but I can't figure out what concoction of hooks and tools I should use to achieve this.

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