jeudi 6 avril 2017

A boolean for a condition met for a list of data in Ember Cli component

I have a hbs that displays a table for the list of data that is fed to the component


            <td  class="alert alert-danger" >

the corresponding js file is components/results.js

export default Ember.Component.extend({

 isFailure: false,
 didInsertElement: function () {


 calculateFailure: function () {
    var resultDetails = this.get('resultsDetails');
    for (var resultDetail in resultDetails) {
        if (resultDetail.failures == 0) this.set('isFailure', true);


I know what I am doing is wrong.

What I want is for the resultsDetails list, if the failure value is set to 0, i want the flag to be false, so in my handle bar, if the data is a failure my td class is set to alert-danger.

I am totally new to ember so most of the google and ember guides were too complex to understand. Could anyone guide me to the right direction?

Thank you in advance.

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