mardi 13 décembre 2016

How do you access the Ember Data store from an acceptance test?

I have an Ember route that creates a temporary value on the store to edit. When I navigate away from the route, I want to delete the temporary value otherwise they build up. How do I write a test for this? Code below.

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model() {
    this.set('newSong', this.get('store').createRecord('song'));
    return this.get('store').findAll('song');

  actions: {
    saveSongRoute(songName) {
      let song = this.get('new');
      song.set('songName', songName);;

      this.set('newSong', this.get('store').createRecord('song'));

    willTransition: function() {

There are examples that use application.__container__.lookup('service:store');, but they don't work with Ember 2.10. I think the correct way would be to stub the store like how this component example stubs a service, but I can't figure out how to inject an object into my Ember application as the store.

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