mercredi 27 juin 2018

Options working well in Chrome But not in IE and firefox

I have worked in the right click option for the Bodyrow.js and its working fine with the google chrome as I am expected. But its not working in the IE 11 and Firefox.

Below is the ember code I have worked for the right click option:

click: function (event) {
        var originalEvent = event.originalEvent.path[0];
        var bufferHtml = this.buffer.buffer;
        var isClicked = false;
            var isClicked = true;
        if(isClicked == true) {
            var actionContextObject = this.get('object');
            var ctl = this.get('controller');
                    var eMenupath = e.originalEvent.path[0];
                    var eCurrentTarget = $(e.currentTarget).attr('id');
                    var eSelect = $(bufferHtml).find(eCurrentTarget);
                    if(e.which === 3 && eSelect.selector!='' && originalEvent === eMenupath ) {
                        var parentId = $(e.currentTarget).closest('tr').prop('id');
                        var rowInspCheck = $('#'+parentId).hasClass('inspected');
                        if(rowInspCheck == true) {
                            var actionMenuContext = actionContextObject;
                            var element = e.currentTarget;
                            var row = e.currentTarget.parentNode;
                            ctl.send('contentItemActionMenu', row.length ? row : row, element, actionMenuContext);
                            isClicked = false;
                            return false;

Can You please provide me the suggestion for this. I'm using ember 1.4.0. Your help will be appreciate. Thanks in advance.

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