mercredi 16 janvier 2019

Why cannot see any code completion after imported an EmberObject extension into a different file, using Visual Studio Code?

As already explained in the title, I can't see any code completion after imported an EmberObject extension

  • file form.js:

    import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; 
    const Form = EmberObject.extend({
            isTouched: false,
            isValid: false,
            errors: null,
            value: null,
            init() {...},
            getSomething(){ ... }  
  • file component.js

    import Form from '../../classes/form';
    init() {        
     // console.log(this.elementId);        
     this.form = Form.create({          
         email: [, Validators.required,],
         password: [this.password, Validators.required]         

at this point in component.js when I type this.form. the editor (VSC) doesn't give me any real suggestion on Form class/EmberObject

Any guess?

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