mercredi 3 avril 2019

How to change checked radio button default in ember?

hay I have a code for the radio button, the default checked code shows allbrand and I want to change the default checked to ncarbrand

this code component.hbs:

     <div class="">
         <div class="form-group">
             <div class="input-group">
                 <div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
                     <label class="btn btn-orange active"  style="margin-bottom:0px;">
                         <input type="radio" name="condition" autocomplete="off" value="ncar">
                     <label class="btn btn-orange active"  style="margin-bottom:0px;">
                         <input type="radio" name="condition" autocomplete="off" value="ucar">

this code component.js:

  _filters: computed('filters', 'cart.contents.condition', function() {
      let obj_brands_all = [],
          obj_brands_new = [],
          brands = get(this, 'filters.brand').split('|'),
          ncarBrands = ['HONDA', 'SUZUKI', 'DAIHATSU', 'WULING', 'TOYOTA']

      for (let brand of brands) {
          if (this.get('cart.contents.condition') === 'ncar' && ncarBrands.includes(brand)) {
              obj_brands_new.push({ 'index': brand, 'value': brand, 'id': brand.dasherize() });
          } else {
              obj_brands_all.push({ 'index': brand, 'value': brand, 'id': brand.dasherize() });
    return {
        brands: (this.get('cart.contents.condition') === 'ncar')obj_brands_new.sortBy('value') : obj_brands_all.sortBy('value')

this code template.hbs:

<ProductFilterNew @filters= @origin="new" @targetUrl="new" @carmodels= @isNcar=true @isNewPage=true />

I expect the output list brand ['HONDA', 'SUZUKI', 'DAIHATSU', 'WULING', 'TOYOTA']

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