mardi 31 mars 2020

Rendering x3d indexedfacset with ember.js

I using x3d in an ember cli framework. In an older version of the ember framework everything runs well. I updated ember.js lately. After the ember.js update it is no problem to display idexedfaceset or indexedlineset in the x3d scene from the start of the ember application. But now there is a problem to add idexedfaceset or indexedlineset to the scene after the application is completely loaded. For example see the code below. If the display value is set to true by clicking a button the application throw an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getPoints' of null at x3dom.registerNodeType.defineClass.nodeChanged.nodeChanged (x3dom-full.js:4596)

I understand the error indicates that the coordinate tag is missing in this moment where x3d detect a node is added and try to render it. Afterwards I check the html code and the coordinate tag is where it should be. But the element isn't displayed in the x3d scene. It seems there is a short delay by adding the coordinate tag.
I know it is possible to display the element by using a jquery commad like $("#scene").append("..."). But I would like to use the ember behavior because i do a lot more like calculating positions and dimensions. I would be happy if someone could help to solve the problem. Thanks a lot.


    <shape def="" ispickable="0" bboxsize="-1,-1,-1" bboxcenter="0,0,0" render="true">
      <appearance sorttype="auto" alphaclipthreshold="0.1">
        <material specularcolor="0,0,0" shininess="0.2" emissivecolor="0,0,0" ambientintensity="0.2" transparency="0.5" diffusecolor="0 0 1">
      <indexedfaceset ccw="true" colorpervertex="false" colorindex=" 0 0 0 0" coordindex="0 3 2 1 0" solid="true" usegeocache="true" lit="true" normalpervertex="true" normalupdatemode="fast" convex="true" >

        <coordinate point="-1 0 0, -1 1 0, 1 1 0, 1 0 0"></coordinate>

        <color color="0 0 1"></color>

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