dimanche 8 août 2021

Ember-qunit Unit test failed with Global error Ajax aborted

Does anyone meet this issue before? I am running a unit test for ember-qunit from my local, get this global error, and the Ajax was aborted. Thanks!

ok 1 Chrome 92.0 - [1 ms] - ESLint | app: services/something.js
ok 2 Chrome 92.0 - [0 ms] - ESLint | tests: unit/services/something-test.js
not ok 3 Chrome 92.0 - [undefined ms] - Global error: Uncaught Error: The ajax operation was aborted at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 36784
 While executing test: Unit | Service | something: should correctly concat foo
        browser log: |
            testContext: [object Object]
            ERROR: Uncaught Error: The ajax operation was aborted at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 36784

not ok 4 Chrome - [undefined ms] - error
        message: >
            Error: Browser timeout exceeded: 10s
            Error while executing test: Unit | Service | something: should correctly concat foo

            DevTools listening on ws://

        browser log: |
            [object Object]
            [object Object]
            [object Object]

# tests 4
# pass  2
# skip  0
# fail  2
Testem finished with non-zero exit code. Tests failed.

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