lundi 2 août 2021

ember-simple-auth user stays logged in despite browser relaunch

For some reason my user is still logged in despite closing my Safari browser.

These are the versions of Ember & stuff that I'm using:

ember-cli: 3.25.3
node: 14.16.0
os: darwin x64

This is my authentication code:

this.session.authenticate('authenticator:devise',, this.fields.password)

And this is my app/services/session.js file:

import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import BaseSessionService from 'ember-simple-auth/services/session';

export default class SessionService extends BaseSessionService {
  @service currentUser;

  async handleAuthentication(routeAfterAuthentication) {
    try {
      await this.currentUser.load();
    } catch(err) {
      await this.invalidate();

and I'm checking my logged in status via:


It says here that:

By default the cookie session store uses a session cookie that expires and is deleted when the browser is closed.

So how come my user is still authenticated despite closing my browser - any ideas or suggestions?

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