I use ember-cli@3.27.0 , ember-data@3.27.1
There is a workshift.js model
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
date: DS.attr(),
timestart: DS.attr(),
timeend: DS.attr(),
house: DS.belongsTo('house'),
responsible: DS.belongsTo('employee'),
employeeOnWorkshift: DS.hasMany('employee-on-workshift'),
There are employee-on-workshift.js model
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
workshift: DS.belongsTo('workshift'),
account: DS.belongsTo('account'),
employee: DS.belongsTo('employee'),
and employee.js model
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
fio: DS.attr(),
age: DS.attr(),
phone: DS.attr(),
datebirth: DS.attr(),
telegram: DS.attr(),
user: DS.belongsTo('people'),
employeeOnWorkshift: DS.hasMany('employee-on-workshift'),
In route, I unload all the workshift and their associated employeeOnWorkshift data as an array.
import Route from './base-route';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
export default Route.extend({
model(params) {
this.store.findRecord('workshift', params.id);
afterModel(models) {
models.get('employeeOnWorkshift').forEach((employeeOnWorkshift) => {
Yes, I understand that loading additional models for each list item is a bad decision, but my goal is to figure out why the data is not displayed.
In the template, I'm just going through the model list and trying to get an employee.fio, but the data is empty
Although in the browser on the network I can see how the data of each employee for the employeeOnWorkshift list has been loaded: Requests to the backend
I checked the model e employee in the console. The Proxy object is returned there, in which, as I understand it, if isPending = false and isSettled = true, the content parameter will be filled with the Model object, but even after receiving the data, this does not happen.
Proxy {isFulfilled: false, isRejected: false, content: null, _belongsToState: {…}, _super: ƒ, …}
[[Handler]]: Object
[[Target]]: Class
content: null
isFulfilled: false
isRejected: false
_belongsToState: {key: 'employee', store: Store, originatingInternalModel: InternalModel, modelName: 'employee'}
_super: ƒ ()
Symbol(INIT_FACTORY): undefined
Symbol(OWNER): undefined
isPending: true
isSettled: false
isTruthy: false
meta: (...)
promise: (...)
isDestroyed: (...)
isDestroying: (...)
_debugContainerKey: (...)
[[Prototype]]: Class
[[IsRevoked]]: false
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, why employee is not unloaded without crutches of this format:
models.get('employeeOnWorkshift').forEach((model) => {
model.employee.then(function (employee) {
model.employee = employee;