I need to get store data when some properties change. Property value exist in the service, so I re-execute function using . But this action fall into infinite loop when the service property value changes.
This is my code.
- js file
export default class CurrentApplications extends Component { @service store; @service current; @service permissions; @tracked currentApplications = emberA([]); constructor() { super(...arguments); next(()=> { this.currentApplications.pushObject(this.loadCurrentApplications.perform()); }); } @task *loadCurrentApplications() { const query = { page: this.currentApplications.length + 1, per_page: 10, from: moment().subtract(1, 'minutes').format(), until: moment().add(1, 'minutes').format(), state: ["accept", "assigned", "cancelled", "superseded"] }; const locationId = this.current.locationId; if (locationId) query.location_id = locationId; if (get(this, 'current.user.isStaff')) { set(query, 'user_ids', get(this, 'current.user.id')) } return yield this.store.query('shift-application', query); } @lastValue('loadCurrentApplications') currentApplicationsCurrentPage; @task *loadForNewLocation() { this.currentApplications.clear(); this.currentApplications.pushObject(this.loadCurrentApplications.perform()); } get applicationsLoaded() { return this.currentApplications.length && !this.currentApplications.lastObject.isRunning; } get hasMorePages() { return this.currentApplications.length && !this.currentApplications.lastObject.isRunning && this.currentApplicationsCurrentPage.meta.page < this.currentApplicationsCurrentPage.meta.pages; } @action nextPage() { this.currentApplications.pushObject(this.loadCurrentApplications.perform()); }
- hbs file
<div class="columns is-multiline dashboard__sidebar__row mb-0"> <div class="column is-12"> ... </div> </div>
When the this.current.locationId changes, loadForNewLocation fall into loop execute. How should I solve this problem?
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