mercredi 1 novembre 2017

Reformating query parameters in the route

I have a controller query parameter:

export default Controller.extend({
    myParam: undefined,
    queryParams: ['myParam'],

that I want to refresh the model with:

export default Route.extend({
    queryParams: {
        myParam: {
            refreshModel: true

This correctly formats and tracks the variable in my app's URL (in other words the browser URL):

and correctly sends the corresponding request to my API:


I want to remap the query parameter so that I can continue to use the myParam variable in my controller, but the request to my API gets mapped to:


I've tried the following on my controller:

export default Controller.extend({
    queryParams: {
        myParam: 'my_param'

and this makes the URL in my application (the browser URL) correctly change to my_param when I change the variable:

but it doesn't change the parameter that is sent to my API, which remains:


Is there away to map the variable that is refreshing the model in my route to a different URl param?

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