jeudi 25 juin 2015

Ember cli build is empty

I have been working on an ember-cli application following this:

I created an ember-cli application with ember init. Running the application with ember serve works great. This results in a server running locally with live reload and is generally great for development.

But when I do ember build in order to make a webapp that I can run independently of node.js and ember-cli, I get a mostly blank index.html-file which isn't an ember application according to ember inspector. There are some other things in the /dist folder, including various assets and some test stuff (which I don't really want). But none of this seems to be triggering when I load index.html in a browser.

There doesn't seem to be an ember.js anywhere, though I expected this to be compiled into vendor.js anyway. There does seem to be an which I also expected to be inside of a vendor.js. My own application.js seems to have been compiled nicely. I do not see any templates anywhere. It is possible that all that is missing is some sort of trigger for ember inside index.html. Again, I expected this would already be there.

I don't know how it's actually supposed to work, because it doesn't tell me anywhere, but I was expecting something similar to the webapp I can see with ember serve. How am I supposed to build/compile/export my application as a nice set of stand-alone files?

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