mardi 23 août 2016

Side-loading associations in pushPayload method (Ember)

I have an Ember CLI chat app with a Conversation object that has many Message objects. What I want to do is load all existing messages in the conversation on page load, then add new messages using a WebSockets connection. The setup looks like this:

Step 1. Load relevant messages in the route, and side-load associations

model: function(params){
  return {
    messages:'message', {
      conversation_id: params.conversation_id,
      include: 'user,conversation'
    conversation_id: params.conversation_id

Step 2: Create a messages array using peekAll and a filter, which should update dynamically when new messages are added:

setupController: function(controller, model){
    this._super(controller, model);
      return x.get('').toString() === model.conversation_id.toString();

Step 3: When a message is received add it to the array:

function received(data) {;

Step 4: Display the array

// messages.hbs


This almost works, but I am having trouble side loading the associated conversation object when I do store.pushPayload(data). The object pushed to the store doesn't have a loaded Conversation object, so is not filtered correctly when using peekAll('message').filter(...). Is there a way to pass associations in to the pushPayload method?

Many thanks

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