dimanche 22 janvier 2017

Emberjs How to update property on a component from route?

Hi I would like to know what's the proper way to update a property on a component from the route?.

A little background on what I want to do:

I have two custom Buttons that I called CardButtons (based on material desing) next to one blank area called description, what I want is to create a hover event that triggers an ajax call to retrive detailed data from a data base and render it on the description area.

So far I have created a route like this:

export default Ember.Route.extend({

selectedModule: '',

model: function () {

    return {
        selectedModule: 'employeeModule'

actions: {

    showDescription: function (params) {

        this.set('model.selectedModule', params);



My route template call my component like this:

<div class="row">  

and the component is defined like this:

export default Ember.Component.extend({

info: null,
ready: false,

didInsertElement: function () {



queryData: function (){
     /** Does an Ember.$.post request to the API  with the idTitle as param**/

the first time this executes it load perfectly the detail data but when I try to refresh the data the event does not trigger a second call. I bealive it is beacause I'm not updating the model in a proper way.

Any idea on how to update the component property?

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