vendredi 9 février 2018

Access to component property inside a component method called by an event

I have a component that toggles when the window is clicked anywhere.

To achieve that I bind a component method as global event to the body element.

Moreover, I need to access a component property inside the component method that is called by the click event bound to the body element.

But it doesn't work:


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({

  exampleProperty: 'example value',

  didInsertElement() {
    console.log('start didInsertElement() ************************************************************');
    console.log('- "this" is the Ember.js component:');
    console.log('- "this.exampleProperty" has the Ember.js component value:');
    console.log('end didInsertElement() ************************************************************');
  exampleMethod(event) {
    console.log('start exampleMethod() ************************************************************');
    console.log('- "this" is the DOM element that has triggered the event:');
    // console.log(this.$()); This doesn't work
    console.log('- "this.exampleProperty" is undefined:');
    console.log('end exampleMethod() ************************************************************');

How to get it to work?

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