jeudi 21 novembre 2019

Ember Test for parent route with method calls

I was brought in on the "back-end" of a project and asked to help write tests for an app. I am very new to Ember and need just a little help getting started. We are trying to provide unit test for the routes, so we can have a bit more molecular scope over the app, instead of acceptance test. I have looked at some tutorials and went through every possible scenario that I could think of. I just need a bit of jumpstart.

Here is the part of the route.js for this route.

  • down stream of this parent route, we have another nested route that shows a list of contacts and when a user clicks on a show button it calls "model" and returns that variable "rec" for the template and the url

export default Route.extend(ScrollTo, {
  flashMessages: service(),

  model: function(params) {
    let rec='contact', params.contact_id);
    return rec;

  actions: {
    saveContact: function() {
      let model = this.currentRouteModel();
        .then(() => {
            .success(`Saved Contact: ${model.get('title')}`);


Here is pre-generated code for the test. I really haven't made any modifications, because I really didn't know where to start.

  • This app doesn't have a back-end, it's design is to take in information and provide a iso file based on whatever standard the user wants.
  • I am sure I need to provide some mock data for the test and send that to the method, but again I am not sure what Qunit parts I use.
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';

module('Unit | Route | contact/show', function(hooks) {

  test('it exists', function(assert) {
    var route = this.owner.lookup('route:contact/show');
    assert.ok(route, ' route works');

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