jeudi 14 novembre 2019

How to build CSS/PostCSS only during CSS changes?

Everytime I update .js code in my Ember App (components, tests, etc.) my app.css file is rebuilt, even though I'm not touching any CSS!

I am using PostCSS and TailwindCSS plugin. Every time I save a .js the entire TailwindCSS library is rebuilt and takes 1200-2000ms. This is really unnecessary and I would like to know how to avoid it. If I disable TailwindCSS the rebuild time of PostCSS drops to 191ms on every .js save.

There are a few solution ideas I'd like to explore:

  1. Is it possible to configure Ember rebuild my CSS ONLY when I change CSS?
  2. Is it possible to configure PostCSS to rebuild only when CSS has changed?
  3. How can I configure TailwindCSS to use a static CSS file, and then setup PostCSS to build only my custom tailwind configurations using the tailwind plugin?


    postcssOptions: {
      compile: {
        plugins: [
            module: require("postcss-import"),
            options: {
              path: ["node_modules"]


module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      height: {
        "80": "20rem",
        "screen-80": "80vh",
        "screen-60": "60vh"
      minWidth: {
        "96": "24rem",
        screen: "100vw"
      maxWidth: {
        "min-content": "min-content",
        screen: "100vw"
      screens: {
        xxl: "1920px"
      zIndex: {
        "9999": 9999
      colors: {
        puke: {
          100: "#fff5f7",
          200: "#fed7e2",
          300: "#fbb6ce",
          400: "#f687b3",
          500: "#ed64a6",
          600: "#d53f8c",
          700: "#b83280",
          800: "#97266d",
          900: "#702459"
      backgroundColor: theme => theme("colors"),
      textColor: theme => theme("colors"),
      borderColor: theme => ({
        default: theme("colors.gray.300", "currentColor")
  variants: {},
  plugins: []

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