jeudi 22 octobre 2020

How can i run Ember test using node-webkit in an docker container

I have created an ember application and i am running that application on node-webkit. In my application i have used node objects also like process object. So when i am trying to run my ember test "ember test --server --module='Unit | Route | application'" it runs the test in chrome which gives error that process is not defined. And when i open http://localhost:7375/ in node-webkit it works fine. So how can i run my ember test case in a headless node-webkit. I mean i have to run my ember test in an docker container, so how can i achieve this by using node-webkit and get the test report.

And is there any way we can provide nw option in testem.js file

module.exports = {
 test_page: 'tests/index.html?hidepassed',
 disable_watching: true,
 launch_in_ci: [
 launch_in_dev: [
 browser_args: {
 Chrome: {
 ci: [
   // --no-sandbox is needed when running Chrome inside a container
   process.env.CI ? '--no-sandbox' : null,
}   };

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