dimanche 25 octobre 2015

Dynamic navigation bar in ember.js with different routes

I'm trying to create a dynamic navigation bar in ember. I have a partial header included in application template which have an element 'search' that should be only visible when I get to my events index route. I have tried to do that this way:

ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend(
  eventsIndexController: Ember.inject.controller 'events/index'
  isSearchActive: Ember.computed 'eventsIndexController.showSearch', ->
    @get 'eventsIndexController.showSearch'

And in events index controller:

EventsIndexController = Ember.Controller.extend(
  showSearch: false

When it gets to events index route

EventsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
  model: ...

  setupController: (controller, model) ->
    controller.set('model', model)
    controller.set('showSearch', true)
  deactivate: ->
    @controllerFor('events.index').set('showSearch', false)

And it works fine - model is set properly and search option is only visible in events index route. The problem is that I would like to perform some action when search is clicked but since this action is declared in EventsIndexController I can't call it in normal way from application template. So my first question is:

  • do you know how to achieve that?

And second question is:

  • how can I accomplish what I'm trying to do in better way because it doesn't seem to be very clear way and it might get really complicated in a course of time when I'll need new dynamic segments.

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