jeudi 29 octobre 2015

Handlebars not rendering based on js code

In my Ember app, I have the following code in my Handlebars template (partial code)

<input type="radio" class="warningActionExcl" name="warningAction_{{warningDetails.someId}}" {{action 'warningActionClicked'}} data-someId="{{warningDetails.someId}}" />   

Also in the corresponding controller class, I have

var isExclude = $('class');
if (isExclude == "warningActionExcl") {
    //do something

Now the template renders properly with the above. But if I update my template code as (i.e. mismatched class name with what the JS is checking for..warningAction V/s warningActionExcl)


the template does not render entirely. But it does not give any Javascript error.

I am not sure why this is the case, as I thought there is no checking with JS code while rendering the template.

Please suggest.

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