jeudi 14 janvier 2016

How can I linked the select and chart correctly?

I build a chart in Ember.js, I linked a 'select' with the chart. here is my code.

Every time that I click a group in the 'select', I can't display just the value selected in my graph .

But each click, I add a new graph next to the precedent. I didn't see where is the error.

May be her :

    var data  = d3.entries(donnees);

    var GroupArray = [];
    // adding unique group to groupArray
    $.each(data, function (index) {
        var Group = data[index].key;
        if ($.inArray(Group, GroupArray) === -1) {

    //sorting the Group 

    var $GroupDropDown = $("#DropDown_group");
    var $container = $("#chart-load");
    // append the Group to select
    $.each(GroupArray, function (i) {
        $GroupDropDown.append('<option value="' + GroupArray[i] + '">' + GroupArray[i] + '</option>');

    $GroupDropDown.change(function () {
        var selectedGroup = this.value;
        //filter select based on selected group
        var selectedArray = selectedGroup === "All" ? data : jQuery.grep(data, function (product, i) {
            return product.key === selectedGroup;


    $(document).ready( function ()
      /* we are assigning change event handler for select box */
        /* it will run when selectbox options are changed */
            /* setting currently changed option value to option variable */
            var option = $(this).find('option:selected').val();
            /* setting input box value to selected option value */
    $("#DropDown_group").change(function() {


    // call the method below

    function drawPlot(data) {

    var w=500,

How can I do?

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