I am having problem while trying to update the model values, when PendingActionController.updateStage method is called I need it to update the related model & reflect the updated values. If I create another method in PendingController like ShowMessage it displays the alert.
Please explain What approach should I use?
For example, following is the code:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="pending/_actions">
<div class="content-actions">
<h2>Pending Actions</h2>
{{#each pendingstages}}
{{#unless refreshingStage}}
{{render 'pendingAction' this}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="pendingAction">
<div class="actionsBox">
<div class="actionsBar">
<div {{bindAttr class=":actionStatus completed:blue:green"}} {{action updateStage this}}> </div>
<div class="clear-both"></div>
App.PendingController = App.BaseObjectController.extend(App.ActionsControllerMixin, {
needs: ['application'],
postRender: function () {
//Some code here....
pendingstages: function(){
return App.PendingStage.find({Id: this.get('model.id')});
}.property('model.id', 'model.@stages.completed', 'refreshStage'),
ShowMessage: function(){
alert('Inside Sohw message.');
App.PendingActionMixin = {
isEditing: false,
canDelete: true,
canEdit: true,
toggleIsEditing: function(){
App.PendingActionController = App.BaseObjectController.extend(App.PendingActionMixin, {
needs: 'pending',
postRender: function(){
//some code here...
updateStage: function(stage){
var self = this;
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