I'm trying to display a chart using Ember.js. I tried to load data from the model from the component "multiple-line.js" like so:
{{multiple-line datagroup=model}}
model: function() {
return this.store.findAll('datagroup');
App.Datagroup = DS.Model.extend({datasets: DS.hasMany('dataset')});
App.Dataset = DS.Model.extend({
datagroup: DS.belongsTo('datagroup'),
key: attr('string'),
values: DS.hasMany('value')
App.Value = DS.Model.extend({
dataset: DS.belongsTo('dataset'),
xValue: DS.attr('number'),
yValue: DS.attr('number')
Adapters/Application.js That start by :
findAll: function() {
return {
"Cbio": [{
"xValue": 1,
"yValue": 21.969
"xValue": 2,
"yValue": 44.0294
}, ...
I didn't combine all the code for displaying my D3.js's Chart in the component. So How can I use Model/Adapter/Route/Component for this application correctly. Here is a JsBin with the code.
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