mardi 26 avril 2016

Duplicate uploads for pictures taken from the Camera ember-uploader

I am using ember-uploader to implement a simple file uploading service. By following the manual I implemented this function:

changedFiles:'files', function() {
  var files;
  files = this.get('files');
  if (!Ember.isEmpty(files)) {
    this.sendAction('filesChanged', files);
    return this.rerender();

When I upload images from Documents or I take a video from the Camcorder I see chrome's Data memory in android settings not to increase until I afterwards save them via the Local Storage API.

However, when I take a picture from the Camera and I place breakpoint even before sending the action the Data memory already has increased the size of the picture uploaded. Subsequently the image is saved via Local Storage API and then removed, but that spurious added memory is never released from Data memory and it eventually leads to full storage.

My chrome version is 50.0.2661.86 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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