vendredi 29 avril 2016

Promise result in Ember Data computed property

I'm trying to make a call to an external API and use the results as a computed property in my Ember Data model. The result is fetched fine, but the computed property returns before the Promise resolves, resulting in undefined. Is this a use case for an Observer?

address = Ember.computed('lat', 'lng', function() {
  var url = `}`;
  var addr;

  var request = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {             
      Ember.$.ajax(url, {                                                        
        success: function(response) {                                            
        error: function(reason) {                                                

   request.then(function(response) {                      
     addr = response.results[0].formatted_address;                              
   }, function(error) {                                                         

   return addr;

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