dimanche 20 novembre 2016

EmberJs - Computed Properties and Template

The problem is that i can't correctly display the changes i make to an ember property.

Here's the action:

toggle_favorites: function() {
      var favorite = this.get('some_service').get("favorites");
      this.set("favorite", favorite);
      if (favorite.length > 0) {
        this.set("hasFavorites", true);
     // show some feedback, irrelevant

after that i just display everything as a list


The problem is that if i keep adding stuff to the list, the changes won't be reflected in the hbs file.

I tried using a computed property as follows

  favs: Ember.computed("hasFavorites", "some_service.favorites", "favorite.length", function() {
      return this.get("favorite");

and display that, but with no avail. If i add something to the list, and then trigger my action it's successful, but every sequential addition won't be displayed.

I'm using Ember 2.6.

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