vendredi 18 novembre 2016

Web Application using Ember.js and the dynamic ip backend API

I'm playing more and more with Ember and I really like it.

It's new to me but guides are solid and everything.

I understand how to pin-point the API Server IP so Ember can use it, but I would like to make it more dynamic - The idea is that the API Server is on LAN network (or on dynamic IP WAN - but I don't want ddns for that)

The problem is that I currently have to type IP address then deploy and that version work with that one IP address. I would love to be able to type in IP address on first? and then use that ip as the endpoint for api server.

I'm more than sure this is somehow possible but I lack the examples out there.

I understand that there should be application/index.js route that would check some kind of 'store' to check if there is ip address with array that was saved locally in file?/cookie? and if there is one then somehow load that ip to the adapters/application.js host?

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