lundi 22 mai 2017

How to render Ember component on same line

This Ember template code...

<div class="detail bedrooms">
  <span>Number of bedrooms:</span> 
<div class="detail temperature">
  <span>Current Temperature:</span> 

...results in this rendering... screenshot of component text on wrong line

How could one get the "25C" text to render on the same line as "Current Temperature" in the same way that "San Francisco" is on the same line as "Location"?

I have tried getting the city-temperature component to return only text, but (secondary question here) is it even possible for a component to return only text if the text is from a remote ajax request since the promise seems to need a DOM element to append to?

This Ember app is available here on GitHub. It's a modified version of the official Ember.js tutorial app with this "Current Temperature" detail added.

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