mardi 23 mai 2017

Refresh / Reload ember route from a component

I have a component, that's actually a modal dialog. When I am done with that dialog and press the "Ok" button, I want to stay on the stay page from where I opened that dialog. Which isn't difficult.

But the problem is that the dialog changes the data (I am getting data through a REST call) so I need to refresh the route that I already am on to reflect the data changes.

Since, I am calling it from a component, I don't have Route so can't call route.refresh().

I tried to get the router:

this.set('router', Ember.getOwner(this).lookup('router:main'));

and did transition to the same page:


But since the route hasn't changed (I only opened a dialog), transitionTo doesn't get triggered!

Is there a way I can force trigger transitionTo or refresh the page that I am on?

Thank you!

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