mardi 16 octobre 2018

Matching genre ids with genre names in TMDb with JavaScript

I'm sure a lot have used the TMDb api for movies. But I'm having issues with displaying genre names for each movie displayed. I'm trying to match genre_ids from the movies api with genres from genre api. But I don't get the desired result.

JS (with Ember.js v3.4)

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';

export default Component.extend({
  movieGenreIds: computed('movies.@each.genre_ids', function() {
    return => movie.genre_ids).reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b]);

  genresNames: computed('movieGenreIds', 'genres', 'movies', function() {
    let names = []; => {
      this.movieGenreIds.forEach(movieGenreId => {

        if (parseInt( === movieGenreId) {

    return names;

Movies API (each movie from the array has this structure):

  "vote_count": 1092,
  "video": false,
  "vote_average": 6.7,
  "title": "Venom",
  "popularity": 505.173,
  "poster_path": "\/2uNW4WbgBXL25BAbXGLnLqX71Sw.jpg",
  "original_language": "en",
  "original_title": "Venom",
  "genre_ids": [27,878,28,53,35], // <-- I'm interested in this property
  "backdrop_path": "\/VuukZLgaCrho2Ar8Scl9HtV3yD.jpg",
  "adult": false,
  "overview": "When Eddie Brock acquires the powers of a symbiote, he will have to release his alter-ego “Venom” to save his life.",
  "release_date": "2018-10-03"

Genres API


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