dimanche 30 décembre 2018

Run Ember.run.later from action triggered

I am having problem with action handling in Ember controller. I want to run some function continiously after edit button is clicked in hbs. I have tried it like this in action.

openEditWindow() {
  this.set('someChangingValue', true);

Here is the function that reacts to action someChangingValue change.

someChangingValue: false,    

someTestFunction: observer('someChangingValue', function(){
 var test = this.get('someChangingValue');

if(test === true){
  Ember.run.later((function() {
  }), 2000);   
} else {
  console.log('this should not do anything');

But this runs functionThatIsRunningEachTwoSeconds only once. Also tried the same functionality with changing someChangingValue to false if true and otherwise, that put me in infinite loop of observing property.


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